Picking up Groceries

The next time you go to the grocery store be sure to take a great camera with a really big lens.

A Day in the Backyard

It’s been a while since I visited my backyard at lunch, on a work day, just to take some pictures.

You Are Getting Sleepy

Yawning encourages drowsiness, and drowsiness encourages sleep. Here is a little yawning yoga practice for those times you need to be encouraged to yawn.

Wild Quakers of South Florida

Every once in a while I’m in the right place at the right time with the right camera and lens configuration to capture some wonderful wildlife photos. Such was the case on a Sunday afternoon in May, 2019 in Stuart Florida near a friend’s home. Along with being the “sailfish” capitol of the world, and…

Cypress Pool – Everglades

Jo and I decided to break Easter tradition this year so we decided to go Alligator hunting. Yea, seriously. On the way to our destination deep in the everglades I just had to click off this very classic Florida shot of an American Egret sitting on the center of a Cypress hammock over an alligator…

Understanding Caracaras

This weekend Jo and I learned something totally new about the behavior of the Crested Caracaras that we see here in Florida. For a long time we’ve known that our best bet for spotting them is to watch the ground or on a post about eye level. The first time we ever spotted one we…

Always on watch

Caracaras live in the savanna areas of Florida, Texas and Mexico. They are beautiful and impressive birds with unusual markings. Their calls are almost like high pitch whistles. They are often seen on posts, like this, near the edge of the field waiting for road kill. This guy was quite comfortable in the rain.

Wildlife Composite

Click the image to start the show then click the image to review the narrative that accompanies the images. It’s fun, try it.

The 2016 Green Cay Photo Contest

For the past 3 months I’ve been working with a photo group to facilitate the 2016 Green Cay Photo Contest. This is a contest for the Green Cay  wetland park in Boynton Beach, Florida. Green Cay is a special reclaimed property where Palm Beach Co. has been able to not only recreate a snapshot of old…

Nature, the best sculpture

I was at a bird sanctuary in Key Largo recently. The facilities are very rustic and offers a nice boardwalk leading from the parking area out to the water to the west. Along the path are aviaries housing injured or rehabbed birds in large screened areas. As we were walking along the path we came…

Meet Mugsy, a working Mule

Mid January Jo, my wife, and I attended the annual Evans-71 high school bonfire at the ranch of one of Jo’s classmates in Howey-in-the- Hills, FL. The bonfire has become an annual event so that the alumni of Evans High School, Orlando, can have a good excuse to get together to burn some firewood, eat delicious food, talk about guns, and enjoy catching up with each other. Liz, a schoolmate, and husband own the ranch where the bonfire is hosted.

Time-Lapse Technique

In 2012 I purchased a new flash for my SX1 camera. The flash was the best one Canon made at the time so it was a bit pricey but I wanted the brightest flash on the market to help me fill-in the Florida sun so I decided to invest in my system and I purchased a Canon…

Bears of Summer

Each time I venture into the Smokey Mountains I anticipate seeing and photographing bears, black bears to be specific. I say that because some people think there are other types of bears in the Smokeys, there aren’t, only black bears, and plenty of them spread out over the mountain range. If you are looking to…

The Great Blue Heron

The Great Blue Heron is a beautiful and awe striking avian species. Here is South Florida the GBH, as they are commonly known, flourish from waterside to seaside, from lake to canal. Wherever there is water, fresh or salt, you have a great chance of seeing a GBH, especially at nesting time. This first shot…


Purity, originally uploaded by QuakerVille. White birds with long white feathers have been admired for hundreds of years. In the mid to late 1800s these beautiful white birds were hunted for their feathers to adorn the ladies’ hats in the North East. These bird feathers were so “in style” that the desire to have these…

Alice The Alligator

I’ve done some crazy things to get photos but this may be the craziest thing I’ve done in a long time. Recently Jo, my wife, and I were walking in Loxahatchee wildlife management area close to where we live in Palm Beach, Florida when we came upon this 8 foot ‘gator sunning herself on the…

Eagle in Full Flight

Full Eagle, originally uploaded by QuakerVille. Speaking of Eagles… Last Saturday Jo, my wife, and I spent the day exploring east of Lake Kissimmee along 441 and Canoe Creek Road from Kenansville to 3 Lakes WMA. We saw some wonderful wildlife. CaraCara adults and juvenile, Eagles, Rattle Snake, Turkey, awesome Woodpeckers, and many other birds…